Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Pollution Control Program & National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
The Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control program emphasizes on the conservation of soil and water resources. The moving of earth presents the opportunity to have erosion and sediment pollution in the event of a rain storm. The state has set up different control standards for these projects to help prevent pollution from occurring. The state requires that best management practices (BMP’s) are to be implemented and maintained for all earth moving activities. An erosion and sediment pollution control plan is required for earth moving activities of 5,000 sq. feet or more, along with implementation and maintenance of the BMP’s. Earth disturbance activity of 1 acre or more requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for construction activities. Please click on this helpful schematic.
Franklin County Technician Territory Map and Local Agency Contact List
- FCCD DISTRICT APPLICATION – Revision 4 (Upon Download…Microsoft will automatically block the macros within the document for security reasons, to enable macros…download the document to your computer, find the file location on your computer and right click, go to “properties”, and then under the “General” tab, go to the “security” section at the bottom, next click “Unblock”. This will enable the macros and you will not have to do this again UNLESS you re-download the form from our website)
- FCCD Service Fee Guidelines (Revised 1.1.2025)
- FCCD Electronic Submissions Guidance
- Small Project E&S Plan Development Guide (projects less than 1 acre)
- FCCD Right-To-Know (RTK) request form
- DEP FAQ Documents
- Calculating Total Earth Disturbance
DEP Construction Stormwater Homepage
DEP E&S Resources (NOI, Renewal NOI, Modules, Etc.)
- Chapter 102 Forms (Co-Permittee, County/Municipal Notification Form, Visual Site Inspection Report, Pre-Application Meeting Request Form, MS4-CSS Notification Form, Erosion Potential Analysis Form, New Property Owner Notification Form, SCM Construction Certification Form)
- DEP Ag E&S Fact Sheet
- Ag Buildings and Manures Storage E&S Construction Requirements
- Chapter 102 Requirements for Farming Activities
- Agricultural Environmental Regulations: Am I In Compliance?
Timber Harvest
Other Helpful Forms
- PA Bureau of Forestry Planting and Seeding Guidelines
- Stream Classification Documents and Links
- Franklin County Soil Use Limitations
- Homeowners Guide to Stormwater BMP Maintenance
- PADEP Environmental Complaints
- Standard E&S and PCSM Plan Notes
- Penn State Agronomy Conservation/Non-Cropland (Seeding and Fertilizer Information)
- Water Quality
- Management of Fill and Regulated Fill
- Clean Fill Simplified
- E & S Manual (March 2012)
- Chapter 105 General Permits
- PCSM Manual (December 2006)
- DRAFT PCSM Manual (2023)
- Pollution Prevention Contingency Plan Form
- Pollution Prevention Contingency Plan Instructions
- PNDI Tool
- Maps
- Sinkhole Information (For reporting of sinkholes, please call Cambria County District Mining Office at 814-472-1900)
- Web Soil Survey
- Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Fee Agreement